Free Resources


How to Leverage Your Circle to Get Paying Clients


Are you struggling to find new clients for your beauty business, despite your best efforts? 

It's okay; we’ve been there too. Sometimes, it can be challenging to know where to start or how to reach out to potential clients. 

We understand the struggle and want to help. That's why we've created a FREE checklist that will help you maximise the potential of your inner circle and attract your first five paying clients.

We believe that with the proper guidance and support, you can build a thriving beauty business that makes a difference in people's lives. Our checklist will provide you with practical tips and insights that will empower you to reach new levels of success and grow your client base.

Ready to take your beauty business to the next level? Download our FREE checklist, and let us help you unlock your full potential!



Setting Boundaries


We all know we need them in our beauty biz, but sometimes it can be hard to know where to start. 

We've made that easier by creating this free beauty resource to help you define ALL your non-negotiables.

The secrets to stopping your clients from constantly crossing the line.

Babe, we've been there, and it sucks!

Those 10 pm emails you can’t help but look at.

Those early morning texts you receive because you’re still using your personal device for work...

It feels like you’re walking through mud with no way out.

But honestly, if we don’t know what our boundaries are, how can we expect our clients to?

Because we’ve always got your back, we’ve created this free Setting Boundaries Worksheet as a resource to help you get clear on what your non-negotiables are, and hopefully, so you don’t make
the same mistakes we made!

In this worksheet, you’ll get the following:

  • Access to tips and methods for setting boundaries.
  • A chance to really nut out what your non-negotiables are.
  • Opportunity to lay out your ideal working week.
  • Useful resources and so much more.

Hopefully, you find this helpful and that it gets you a few steps closer to a healthier work-life balance because, frankly, you bloody deserve it!

Get Your 'Setting Boundaries' Worksheet Here: